
Would You Post If...

    Hello everyone, seeing as we are all bloggers and can relate to posting original content online for similar purposes I would like to ask for your input on the questions I am about to ask:

• If you had loads of extremely informative original content not found anywhere easily accessible online would you publish it?
• Yes you would, but what if it were of illegal subject matter providing detailed "how to's" on the proliferation of certain substances?

    My question for anyone who might have insight is would you do it with the possibility that feds could get involved? I honestly do not know the legalities of posting information any more explicit that what you might find on Erowid, but I do know the website in question would get plenty of hits. I am as a matter of fact refraining from posting great material on this blog just because of the potential I see in owning my own domain.

    I don't know if the reason why my content is so original is because noone else, with similar skills, has the means to publish them online or because anyone who has tried has been scrutinized. Again, any information would be greatly appreciated in helping me understand what I may or may not be getting myself into. Thank you all.

For reference: None of the above questions have any relation to pornographic material, or illegal "art" works...


  1. Yes, I would!

  2. hrm hard question cause even if you did have your own domain, the legalities still exist.

  3. That would completely depend on the legalities man, I would check on the specifics.

  4. I guess it depends on what you want to post really.

  5. If it involves possible trouble or legal action, why bother?

  6. It definitely depends on exactly what the subject matter is...

  7. Here's a few things you need to keep in mind with if you'd get your own domain and hosting for this:
    1) Read over the domain registar's TOS very carefully, there might be something odd in there that may make them pull your domain at the drop of a hat.
    2) don't get hosting from the same people that you get the domain from, and vice versa. If one thing get's TOS'd then you still have the other, otherwise you're screwed
    3) wherever you get your hosting (or server!) from, make sure the country it's located in is ok with the content at hand

  8. to be honest, you're simply providing information. what someone chooses to do with it is their issue. you can't take any responsibility for what someone else decides. the information is already out there in some place, you're just posting it. put up a disclaimer saying it's only for informative purposes and you can in no way be held responsible for what someone chooses to do with this knowledge. additionally, a disclaimer stating you in no way condone breaking the law would help too.

  9. i would like to see it, but its your material- do what benefits you.

  10. If your sole purpose was getting it "out there" I'd just use an anonymouse image board. If you want to interact with people about said content over a period longer than a few minutes to a few hours then I don't know.

  11. Whatever you do... check with a legal expert. I wouldn't trust any random people over the internet to decide my fate on a sensitive issue like this.

  12. thanks for visiting my blog! :)

  13. thanks for visiting my blog!

  14. Just started blogging myself and came across this post.. It's something to consider duly, making remarks on anything in the domains outside the law. Not out of respect for a state's statutes or for a nation's sensibilities, but simply out of a desire not to go straight to jail without Go and the $200. If you make it clear in your post that everything you write is for educational purposes only and you in no way condone illegal activity, I think you're fairly well disclaimed.. But obviously this will only go so far.

    If it's bombs though, forget it mate.

  15. Depends if I'd get in trouble for it :P

  16. I would more then likely post it i think.

  17. If you're going to get in trouble, I don't think it's worth it..

  18. I'd do it. Just remember to put a disclaimer saying you aren't responsible if you someone goes out and does something stupid with said information. Hope this helps, cheers mate.

  19. Hmm... tough one. Don't know the legalities either.

  20. I would keep them for some other forums. You may have trouble.

  21. i say you should go for it!

  22. id def post, keep it up man

  23. I would post it, but I would also see if I could profit off of affiliate marketing too

  24. Good read. Personally I think that erowid is an amazing site because if kids are going to go out and do drugs they should know what they are doing and what they will experience

  25. i would behing a couple of proxies

  26. follow your dreams dude! thats important!

  27. Shit yes, I'll post whatever I want.

  28. Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free.
