Hello everyone, seeing as we are all bloggers and can relate to posting original content online for similar purposes I would like to ask for your input on the questions I am about to ask:
• If you had loads of extremely informative original content not found anywhere easily accessible online would you publish it?
• Yes you would, but what if it were of illegal subject matter providing detailed "how to's" on the proliferation of certain substances?
My question for anyone who might have insight is would you do it with the possibility that feds could get involved? I honestly do not know the legalities of posting information any more explicit that what you might find on Erowid, but I do know the website in question would get plenty of hits. I am as a matter of fact refraining from posting great material on this blog just because of the potential I see in owning my own domain.
I don't know if the reason why my content is so original is because noone else, with similar skills, has the means to publish them online or because anyone who has tried has been scrutinized. Again, any information would be greatly appreciated in helping me understand what I may or may not be getting myself into. Thank you all.
For reference: None of the above questions have any relation to pornographic material, or illegal "art" works...